Do you find yourself eating mindlessly when you're nervous or stressed out? Is food your best ally at the end of a long day? If so, you might be dealing with emotional eating. This eBook will show you how you can end emotional eating and prevent it from progressing to binge eating.
This behaviour can affect your health and weight loss efforts in many different negative ways. Over time, it may lead to diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, high cholesterol, and other serious illnesses. It can also develop into a full-blown eating disorder such as binge eating if it is left untreated.
Aside from being problematic to your waistline, when you eat for emotional reasons rather than to fuel your body, serious health problems develop.
Since you are justifying your behaviour in your mind, it can be very difficult to identify the real reasons you are eating and then reverse this potentially dangerous situation.
In this eBook, you will discover exactly what this widespread problem is, how this problem develops and its scientific basis.
In the second section of the eBook, you will be able to distinguish between emotional eating and other eating disorders and how these problems are often related.
The symptoms, signs and consequences of emotionally fuelled eating will be covered in detail and you will find out what the common triggers are.
You may also be shocked to find that weight loss surgery, dieting and other traditional weight control strategies are often a waste of time if you don't discover the root cause of your unhealthy eating behaviour.
Finally, in the third section, you will discover how to break free from an emotional eating cycle using time tested techniques and strategies. You will learn how becoming mindful while eating can lead to healthy weight achievement and maintenance, plus other health benefits.
If you have attempted to conquer your unhealthy eating habits traditionally but failed in the past, this may be your chance to achieve this objective.